Discipline Policy and Form (London Devilettes)

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Discipline Reporting and Handling Guidelines 

as posted and Revised in  Discipline section of our Operating Rules and Regulations

When a concern is identified regarding any coach, manager, trainer, player, parent or official connected with any team, the London Devilettes complaint process will be followed.

1.      When the concern does not involve a breach of the London Devilettes Code of Conduct.

In matters where conflict has arisen between players/coach/parents, the concern needs to first be raised with the head coach in an attempt to reconcile the matter at the team level . 

When a player has broken a team rule or displayed inappropriate behavior, corrective action may be necessary. Removal of ice-time from a player for disciplinary reasons is permitted as an effective method of discipline a coach can use. The discipline applied should be consistent with that outlined at the initial team meeting. This MUST be applied fairly &consistently for all players on the team regardless of ability. Where the infraction involves disruptive behavior during practices the coach should discuss the incident and the impending disciplinary action with the parent(s) involved prior to the removal of the ice-time. This will give the parent(s) an opportunity to participate in correcting the behavior as well as give the parents fair warning that their child will be missing ice-time in an upcoming game. Should disruptive behavior occur during a game, the coach may take immediate disciplinary action. Should future incidents occur and the behavior not be corrected, further progressive discipline will result including game suspension(s) and possible removal from the team.

If attempts to reconcile the matter at the team level have failed, the individual needs to contact the Competitive Director (if the conflict involves a competitive team) or House League Director (if the conflict involves a house league team) or, in the instance of a conflict of interest, the Vice President.  The Competitive Director/House League Director or Vice President will contact the complainant to discuss the issues and next steps.  Should the concern require involvement of the head coach, the Competitive Director/House League Director or Vice President will meet with the parents and the coach to come to a resolution.


2.       When the concern involves any breach of the London Devilettes Code of Conduct.

Download and complete the complaint form from the website and submit to the  Discipline Committee.  Contact information for the Committee shall be posted on the Association website. Each year after the Annual General Meeting, the President will form a Discipline Committee. The Board of Directors must accept or reject the recommendation for the Committee membership by a majority vote. If the Board of Directors rejects the recommendation, the Vice-President shall propose the membership for the Discipline Committee. If the Board of Directors rejects the recommendation, the Secretary shall propose the membership.  The Committee shall comprise at least 3 members.  It must include at least 2 members of the Board of Directors and may include any number of Association members.  Any member of the Committee determined to be in a conflict of interest for any issue will be replaced for that issue only by another member of the Board of Directors, as appointed by the President. If the President is in a conflict situation, the Vice-President will appoint the replacement member. If the Vice-President is in a conflict situation, the Secretary will appoint the replacement members.


Selected members of the Discipline Committee will interview the complainant to determine whether the complaint requires further investigation.  If so, the person the complaint is filed about (the defendant) will be interviewed by members of the Discipline Committee and further investigations/interviews will be held as required.  When an interview is conducted, all committee members will be notified and there should be no less than three members in attendance at the interview with at least one of the three being the Vice President, President, or Competitive Director/House League Director.


If the investigating committee members determine that no disciplinary action is required, the findings will be documented, recommendations will be presented to the Discipline Committee, and if accepted the findings will be sent to the complainant and the defendant.  If not accepted, the board will determine a final decision. 


If the investigating committee members determine that disciplinary action is required, the investigating committee members will determine suitable disciplinary action and make recommendations to the committee.  If accepted by the committee, the findings will be sent to the complainant and the defendant.  If not accepted, the board with determine a final decision.  All disciplinary matters are reported to the board.

Discipline for actions by parents or guardians shall be dealt with in isolation and shall not include suspension of the child or player of the parent or guardian except in extreme circumstances and only as a last resort.

2023-2024 Discipline Committee

Mark Hannam
Chelsea Jongeneelen
Helen Karahalios
Michelle McClean
Meagan Myers
Lee-Anne Ridley
Claudia Santagapita-Speiran
Jason Speiran